hackrf portapack h2最新固件下载

My device wont start up
White screen
If you device won't boot and leaves you on white screen, then you will need to power off the device and then hold down the UP button while you power it on. This could take up to 10 seconds.

If this does not work, then try the same thing but this time holding the DOWN button (Remembering to wait up to 10 seconds).

What this is doing is loading a different LCD driver to get your devices screen to work.

Once that is done you should be able to reboot normally without any issues.

Black screen
If you device won't boot and leaves you on a black screen, then you will need to power off the device and then hold down the LEFT button while you power it on. This could take up to 10 seconds.

UP key = LCD driver 1
DOWN key = LCD driver 2
OK/SELECT key = Reset/Automatic detection
LEFT key = Updates 2021/12 QFP100 chip
Note: H2+ usually require you to hold the UP key on the first boot to configure them.

update 2023/06/13 V1.7.2 is stable version support both 2837(hackrf r7) and 2839(hackrf R9)


This is valid from nightly version n_220406 and stable release version: No stable release yet


2021/12 change big QFP100 cpld so need update fw to support it.
if cpld update fail,don't shutdown_base
to update v1.4.2 :
1.HackRF Press DFU then Press RESET
1.1 install driver for DFU device on driver folder
2.Click dfu_hackrf_one.bat
2.1 install driver for hackrf_one device on driver folder
3.Then Click flash_portapack_mayhem_skip_cpld1.4.2.bat
4.update Finished
Source code for 1.4.2
I just Change the mayhem code to support portack cpld flashed QFP100 Chip.
A and B
bool init() {

if( !portapack::cpld::update_if_necessary(portapack_cpld_config()) ) {                                                                  
        B//return false;

mayhem_v1.4.2_FIRMWARE_cpld.rar fix click Hackrf Menu Black Screen
2022/1/4 Latest PCB V1.5 Firmware

Alter Download

[1]2021/12/21 new QFP100 CPLD chip update fw

add UI Setting Encodes Pules Slower Menu

download new version fw https://github.com/eried/portapack-mayhem/releases
v1.4 support both ak4951 and wm8731 now,just download mayhem_v1.4.0_FIRMWARE.7z
run flash_portapack_mayhem.bat press any key to update

v1.4 add UI Setting Encodes Pules Slower Menu
1.change Audio NBFM RX with RSSI Dispaly Function
2.change encoder sw to adapt new encoder (not to fast)

update v1.3.1 fw support wm8731
just run flash_portapack_mayhem_wm8731.bat
Fast Download

Microphone app crashes when enabling RX listening before or after TX in Portapack H2 w/WM8731 audio chip #365
try this fw fix #365
change application ->radio.hpp
void set_direction(const rf::Direction new_direction) {

/* TODO: Refactor all the various "Direction" enumerations into one. */
/* TODO: Only make changes if direction changes, but beware of clock enabling. */

// Hack to fix the CPLD (clocking ?) bug: toggle CPLD SRAM overlay depending on new direction
// Use CPLD's EEPROM config when transmitting
// Use the SRAM overlay when receiving
if (direction != new_direction) {
    if (new_direction == rf::Direction::Transmit) {
    } /* else {
        // TODO teixeluis: analyse better why we might be entering here (issue #365):
        if( !hackrf::cpld::load_sram() ) {
    } */

已有 33 条评论

  1. Tom Tom

    please create a fork of the offical mayhem firmware and implement support for the WM8731 audio chip.

    1. OK,

    2. we need to test to support both ak and wm

    3. 801833285 801833285

      Agreed...I just purchased this off ebay and found out that it doesnt take the original firmware do the the different chipset. Here is a link expressing the situation

      1. v1.4 fw support both ak4951 and wm8731 now.

    4. v1.4 support now

  2. masterXu masterXu

    1.3.1 更新了 求 8731 固件

  3. Tom Tom

    you can talk/chat about the support and testing of the Portapack h2+ here:

  4. M M

    Will you please update the 8731 FW to the latest version 1.3.1?

  5. aaa aaa

    有人刷过1.3.1吗?我刷过后黑屏啊,又刷回1.3.0,正常了。但1.3.0的capture 有问题,replay后,就无法再进入capture了。

    1. updated try again

    2. 等更新版本再看看吧

  6. RockNRolla RockNRolla

    Could you please update on the status of the pull request/fork for the Mayhem firmware to support the WM8731 audio chip? I would like to see this solved because otherwise I will return the portapack and order a version that supports the regular firmware.

    1. fw v1.4 support wm8731 now

  7. Enea Enea

    Is it possible to have the span adjustable in SPEC mode? It could be usefull to have more than 10 M but even less.

    1. current 1.3.0/1.3.1 have SPEC BW 20m/10m/5m/2m/1m already

  8. Enea Enea

    Tks BG7IYN,
    But I'm unable to select these spans.
    Probably I've mispelled the question:
    my firmware is V1.3.1_wm8731
    I wonder to monitor a larger Bandwidth (SPAN) whit SPEC Mode.
    In this release I'am able to have only 5M SPAN
    Can you help me to understand how to select larger SPAN?

    1. I use SPEC to see wifi Signal,can you see this video with 20M test? https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1rp4y1D7uf?from=search&seid=1997221468340337293

  9. Avatar_e Avatar_e

    Please do a Pull request on the official https://github.com/eried/portapack-mayhem repository

    1. i need more hw test to ensure ok then to Pull request.
      i want it auto detect hw just only 1 fw to work.
      not release 2 fw

      1. v1.4 fw support both ak4951 and wm8731 now.

    2. v1.4 fw support both ak4951 and wm8731 now.

  10. Enea Enea

    I have seen the video
    I use SPEC for finding interference in WiFi networks. To identify the waveform I need to close the span to 1 Mhz o below. In some cases, it could be usefull to have a wider Span to analyze different situation.

  11. Any firmware for PCB v3.3 Any firmware for PCB v3.3

    I have a PortaPack H2+ board which suggests it's PCB version v3.3 - bought from bangood and delivered yesterday.

    It doesn't work with any of these firmware versions.

    It appears have a smaller cpld chip, rather than the big bulky one.

    My HackRF is working, I can use it separately with other software such as gnuradio-companion. But when I use the above firmare and plug in the portapack, the blue lights come on and the screen stays off.


  12. Portapack H2+ PCB v3.6 Portapack H2+ PCB v3.6

    is there a schematic for the PCB v3.6 available?
    Thank you in advance!

  13. Mike Mike

    The switching regulator (TPS62410) on my HackRF booard burned up. Ieed to test this Portapack board to make sure it will not hurt my new HackRF One board. Trying to test with bench supply, but I cannot find a schematic and do not know how to supply power to this Portapack board. Is there a schematic anywhere for this? How can I make sure it will not hurt my new HackRF board?

    1. Hello,TPSXXX is not my version,i'm useing IP5306 instead,my board is v3.6 mmdvm.club,Just call the seller a schematic,the seller can show you because you buy it.

  14. help help

    Can I have latest Fw mayhem with fix cpld.
    the new versione is 1.6 bat not working whit cpld board
