
portapack h2+ v3.4 pcb support wm8731 portapack.cpp change to support codec

portapach h2+ v3.4 pcb support wm8731

change portapack.cpp to support wm8731 codec replace ak4951


static const portapack::cpld::Config& portapack_cpld_config() {

return (portapack_model() == PortaPackModel::R2_20170522)
    ? portapack::cpld::rev_20170522::config
    : portapack::cpld::rev_20170522::config    //2. Change 20150901 to 20170522 support H1/H2 TFT  20150901 cpld is old tft driver


Backlight* backlight() {

return (portapack_model() == PortaPackModel::R2_20170522)
    ? static_cast<portapack::Backlight*>(&backlight_cat4004)
    : static_cast<portapack::Backlight*>(&backlight_cat4004);  //1.Change ON_OFF to cat 4004


download changed fw v.1.3.0
download changed fw v.1.3.0 site 2

pistar 4.1.2 Oled Display Close not boot problem sloved

admin->live log

I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.579 Loaded 162513 IDs to lookup table - /usr/local/etc/DMRIds.dat
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 DMR RF Parameters
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Id: 3116449
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Color Code: 1
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Self Only: no
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Embedded LC Only: no
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Dump Talker Alias Data: yes
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Prefixes: 0
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Call Hang: 3s
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 TX Hang: 4s
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.580 Mode Hang: 20s
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.581 OVCM: off
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.581 DMR Roaming Beacons Type: off
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.582 Started the DMR Id lookup reload thread
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.726 Interfaces Info
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.728 IPv4: lo:
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.728 IPv4: wlan0:
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.728 Default interface is : wlan0
I: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.728 IP to show: wlan0:
M: 2020-12-23 08:49:41.728 MMDVMHost-20200503_Pi-Star_v4 is running
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:12.114 Unknown packet from the master
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:12.114 0000: 4D 53 54 4E 41 43 00 2F 8D A1 MSTNAC./..
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:22.149 Unknown packet from the master
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:22.149 0000: 4D 53 54 4E 41 43 00 2F 8D A1 MSTNAC./..
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:32.171 Unknown packet from the master
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:32.171 0000: 4D 53 54 4E 41 43 00 2F 8D A1 MSTNAC./..
E: 2020-12-23 08:50:51.988 DMR, Connection to the master has timed out, retrying connection
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:51.988 DMR, Closing DMR Network
M: 2020-12-23 08:50:51.988 DMR, Opening DMR Network
M: 2020-12-23 08:51:22.712 DMR, Logged into the master successfully
M: 2020-12-23 08:52:41.672 Closing the MMDVM
I: 2020-12-23 08:52:42.616 Stopped the DMR Id lookup reload thread
M: 2020-12-23 08:52:42.616 DMR, Closing DMR Network
I: 2020-12-23 08:52:42.617 MMDVMHost-20200503_Pi-Star_v4 exited on receipt of SIGTERM

problem is Unknown packet from the master

go to http://pi-star/admin/expert/ssh_access.php

so run
sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_hat
to update fw to 1.5.2 problem sloved.
after update:
Radio Info
Trx Listening DMR
Tx 432.330000 MHz
Rx 432.330000 MHz
FW HS_Hat:v1.5.2
TCXO 14.7456 MHz

update new hs firmware log

pi-star login: pi-star
Linux pi-star 4.19.97+ #1294 Thu Jan 30 13:10:54 GMT 2020 armv6l

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║ ██╔═══╝ ██║╚════╝╚════██║ ██║ ██╔══██║██╔══██╗ ║
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The Pi-Star Dashboard can be found at one of the following locations:
http://pi-star/ http://pi-star.local/

Pi-Star's disk is read-only by default, enable read-write with "rpi-rw".
Pi-Star built by Andy Taylor (MW0MWZ), pi-star tools all start "pistar-".

                 Welcome to Pi-Star: v4.1.2

pi-star@pi-star(rw):~$ sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_hat
MMDVM_HS_Hat-v1.4.7 20180821 14.7456MHz ADF7021 FW by CA6JAU GitID #b14548e
Press any key to write the hs_hat firmware to this modem or Ctrl-C to quit...
Flashing your hs_hat modem to the latest version
--2020-12-23 09:04:23-- http://github.com/juribeparada/MMDVM_HS/releases/dow
Resolving github.com (github.com)...
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 301 Moved Permanently
Location: https://github.com/juribeparada/MMDVM_HS/releases/download/v1.5.2/i
nstall_fw_hshat.sh [following]
--2020-12-23 09:04:23-- https://github.com/juribeparada/MMDVM_HS/releases/do
Connecting to github.com (github.com)||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Found
Location: https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/805
t-stream [following]
--2020-12-23 09:04:24-- https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.am
Resolving github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com (github-pro
Connecting to github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com (github
-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com)||:443... con

  1. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 3064 (3.0K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘/tmp/mmdvmhshatfirmware/flash.sh’

/tmp/mmdvmhshatfirm 100%[================>] 2.99K --.-KB/s in 0.003s

2020-12-23 09:04:26 (1.05 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/mmdvmhshatfirmware/flash.sh’ saved [3

FINISHED --2020-12-23 09:04:26--
Total wall clock time: 4.5s
Downloaded: 1 files, 3.0K in 0.003s (1.05 MB/s)
./flash.sh: line 29: [: =: unary operator expected
Downloading latest firmware (stable)...
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Curre

                             Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--
0 643 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:01 --:--:--
100 643 100 643 0 0 341 0 0:00:01 0:00:01 --:--:-- 34
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:02 --:--:--
0 50900 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:04 --:--:--
0 50900 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:05 --:--:--
0 50900 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:05 --:--:--
0 50900 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- 0:00:06 --:--:--
33 50900 33 16972 0 0 2167 0 0:00:23 0:00:07 0:00:16 327
52 50900 52 26564 0 0 3041 0 0:00:16 0:00:08 0:00:08 572
52 50900 52 26564 0 0 2728 0 0:00:18 0:00:09 0:00:09 572
52 50900 52 26564 0 0 2499 0 0:00:20 0:00:10 0:00:10 530
52 50900 52 26564 0 0 2290 0 0:00:22 0:00:11 0:00:11 530
100 50900 100 50900 0 0 4128 0 0:00:12 0:00:12 --:--:-- 754
Cloning into 'STM32F10X_Lib'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 193, done.
remote: Total 193 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 193
Receiving objects: 100% (193/193), 3.28 MiB | 100.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (71/71), done.
Raspberry Pi 2 or Pi Zero W detected
stm32flash Arduino_STM32_0.9


Using Parser : Raw BINARY
Interface serial_posix: 57600 8E1
Version : 0x22
Option 1 : 0x00
Option 2 : 0x00
Device ID : 0x0410 (Medium-density)

  • RAM : 20KiB (512b reserved by bootloader)
  • Flash : 128KiB (sector size: 4x1024)
  • Option RAM : 16b
  • System RAM : 2KiB
    Write to memory

Erasing memory
Wrote and verified address 0x0800c6d4 (100.00%) Done.

Starting execution at address 0x08000000... done.

Flashing your hs_hat modem complete, press any key to reboot your Pi-Star Sys
Session closed.

White On Black
Color Terminal

MMDVM_HS v1.5.2

Release notes:

Support for BridgeCom SkyBridge HS
Fix pictures transmission in YSF (Manuel EA7EE)
Add "." to CWId (Andy MW0MWZ)
Support for OrangePi firmware installation using generic_duplex_gpio_fw.bin (Sergei)
Support for ZUMspot Dualband RPi and ZUMspot Duplex RPi (Abad Vera)
Old ZUMspot Duplex USB is now Generic Duplex USB
Serial Repeater RX optimization (Shawn Chain)
UDID support (Shawn Chain)
UDIO optional
Beta fw support for installer scripts
