MMDVM nanopi pistar hotspot setup GUIDE:

MMDVM nanopi pistar hotspot setup GUIDE:

connect RJ45 cable to hotspot,power up with 5V 2A Phone Charge
to ensure and check OLED left LED Flash(not green one) it Mean the RF board
Running if not repower again
wait 1 minutes the same router computer open http://pi-star
mac open http://pi-star.local

login:pi-star pass:raspberry
Radio/Modem Type:
set Modem: STM32-DVM-(Pi Hat)GPIO then Save
MMDVM Display Type:
then select OLED then Save
reselect Modem :STM32-DVM-(Pi Hat)GPIO then save
you can see the OLED on
open http://pi-star/admin/expert/edit_mmdvmhost.php
OLED Scroll set 1
Apply Changes

the base setting is ok,you can select your Digital Mode now
if every thing work well pls don't update the pi-star

Q:the OLED didn't Work?
A:Check the RF board the LED need flash 1s on/off,repower to let it work.
Q:the hotspot DMR didn't work?
A:go to admin live log download the log file to see what happed.


已有 2 条评论


    I buy a JumboSPOT.
    But I am beginner ham.
    So, I formatted the SD card by mistake. :(
    How can I install the OS as it was when it was sold?
    Help me!!!! :(

  2. Mise a jour v1.6 MMDVM NANOPI PISTAR Mise a jour v1.6 MMDVM NANOPI PISTAR

    Bonjour, je n'arrive pas a mettre a jour mon MMDVM NANOPI
    root@pi-star2:pi-star# sudo pistar-mmdvmhshatflash hs_hat

    Found modem:
    MMDVM_HS_Hat-v1.5.2 20201108 14.7456MHz ADF7021 FW by CA6JAU GitID #89daa20

    Press any key to write the latest hs_hat firmware version (v1.6.1) to this modem, or 'q' to abort...
    Flashing your hs_hat modem to the latest version (1.6.1)...
    Downloading firmware...
    Linux ARM (armv7l) detected
    stm32flash Arduino_STM32_0.9

    Using Parser : Raw BINARY
    Interface serial_posix: 57600 8E1
    Failed to init device.

    Pouvez m'aider pour me dire comment je devrais faire pour qu'il passe en DFU mode ?
