All Band Receiver module SI4732


All Band Receiver module
(FM , AM and SSB)
With Arduino

working on GitHub

    • pu2clr/SI4735: SI473X Library for Arduino
    1. arduino pro mini,rp2040,stm32f103,

    raspberry mcu just connect SDA SCL RST G 3V
    direct support rp2040-zero
    support si5351a module for ft8 tx (tested ft8cn)(connect SDA SCL G 3V)

    how to use?
    1.connect antenna
    2.connect mcu host SDA SCL 3V GND RST
    3.install arduino u2clr/SI4735 library the example code
    RP2040_SI4732_RX_7band usb audio
    ust copy rp2040_usb_5351_7band.uf2 to rp2040 then connect android
    phone to run ft8cn

    已有 12 条评论

    1. Miguel Angel Miguel Angel

      Hello friend, can you tell me how to install? Just drag the file to rp2040? or something else, greetings

      1. yes,you just drag the UF2 file to RP2040 BOOT mode U disk.

    2. AJ9X AJ9X

      1) Can this device be used to transfer audio to desktop application like WSJT over USB? How do I configure my desktop application to do that?

      2) After I copy UF2 file to Pico-Zero, the Pico reboots as it should but when I look at the Pico folder, I do not see the .uf2 file. I don't see any errors during or after the transfer. I get same results on Windows and Linux. Is this normal?


      1. 1)yes,just plug in computer you can see MBED audio device or Pico Audio device
        2)reboot is working new firmware

    3. AJ9X AJ9X

      Well, I struggled with this for the last 7 days but still can not get the .uf2 file to stay in Pico-Zero BOOT mode U disk. I have used the regular PICO before for other projects so I'm not sure what good be the problem.

      Would you be so kind to post a photo[s] of this board wired to TX in ft8cn? Could you also explain how one changes frequency?

      1. for TX just add a si5351 module,3.3V,GND,SDA,SCL output TX on RF0 port,top button press for changes freq,the RGB led also changed.

    4. AJ9X AJ9X

      Well, I struggled with this for the last 7 days but still can not get the .uf2 file to stay in Pico-Zero BOOT mode U disk. I have used the regular PICO before for other projects so I'm not sure what could be the problem?

      Would you be so kind to post a photo[s] of this board wired to TX in ft8cn? Could you also explain how one changes frequency?

    5. AJ9X AJ9X

      Finally, receiver is working with FT8CN(!) but not optimal. I'm just guessing at settings and not getting many decodes even though I see many stations in the waterfall. Can you please provide settings for FT8CN to get best performance (like rig, sample rate, depth, etc.)? Thank you.

      1. i think the hardware need update,current rx performance is not good,i noticed this problem is the hardware problem,change antenna maybe better,and check the freq offset 1500 is current,try 1300 or 1000 for BFO.

    6. jorpedto jorpedto

      Hello, thank you for this great work.
      Watching the code in the .ino file I saw many pins with leds, switchs, i2c, etc. Do you have any schematic related to the "all band receiver si4732" code?
      Thank you

    7. jorpedto jorpedto

      Hello, thank you for this great work.
      Watching the code in the .ino file I saw many pins with leds, switchs, i2c, etc. Do you have any schematic related to the "all band receiver si4732" code?
      Thank you

      1. about the si4732 just only SDA,SCL,RST ,add si5351 just add SDA,SCL for tx.
